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If Mirrors Could Talk

Joyce Wheeler Books If Mirrors Could Talk Book Cover

There was no use denying that Charles was having an affair with the beautiful, intelligent, and ambitious Suzanna Parker. Even the lady in the mirror, who often held spirited conversations with me, agreed that I had loved and lost.

A divorce was imminent. Life changed dramatically for my children and me with that knowledge. We left the scheduled, hectic life of planned activities and traveled to Elmwood, my family’s ancestral home on the Dakota prairie. From nowhere, or maybe from God, a humorous and homely dog joined us and Thin Dog became a new part of our family—our family without an everyday daddy, or a husband.

Returning to Elmwood was a peaceful highlight of an otherwise unsettling time. We thrived on country walks and the rural community church. However, I wasn’t prepared for the nightmare that crept into my world and turned it upside down. Why did Kane Kerro have to reappear in my life? Why did Doc Wilson— my childhood hero—insist on coming to my rescue? For that matter, why did Charles surprise us with an unexpected visit that caused nothing but havoc?

Join Tennille DeBeau as she tells you about her journey as a jilted wife. Divorce, drama, and danger stalk this young mother of three; however, be prepared to share her humor as she and her mirror discuss her woes and worries.

I recently finished reading If Mirrors Could Talk. I have greatly enjoyed all of your books but this one is by far my favorite - I hope you continue to write.